It's awfully easy to lie when you know that you're trusted implicitly.
So basically: Laura and Alec are both "happily" married people, but when they meet randomly at a crowded restaurant and sit together, they fall deeply in love with each other. The next four weeks chronicles their relationship as told by Laura's perspective, with her fears and doubts added as voice-overs.
Before I continue on, I must proclaim my love for David Lean's directing. He's absolutely brilliant. And he doesn't fall short of expectation in this film; it is shot beautifully. However, the story is somewhat dull and the characters are predictable. Not once did I wonder what was going to happen to these two lovers nor care if they got caught - which I suspect I should be as Laura was so terrified of that very thing. The monologues, too, were generally unnecessary. I don't mind voice-overs, but she was telling the audience what was going on as it was going on. Show don't tell, doesn't anyone on that set know that? Like, literally, she was describing the scenery or how something looked while we were looking at it. It's a picture. We can see it clearly for ourselves, thank you very much.
It's not really worth your time and certainly doesn't deserve to be on the list. Especially over some of the others ones that I've just seen.
Ziggi seal of disapproval!

This movie was great, you need to understand with old movies that some things might seem cliche or unoriginal because they were done in countless movies that came out much later. But again, you need to look at the context of what these movies did and how they were important at the time, or else of course you’ll be disappointed and set yourself up for failure. This might not be the best noir flick, but it’s still one of the most influential and the best.