Are you a woman, really? Or an artichoke?
So basically: Gelsomina lives in a small village with her mother and many younger siblings. Desperate for money, her mother sells her to a travelling circus artist and she goes out onto the road with him. Zampano, the circus artist, is harsh and unkind but throughout the movie, Gelsomina's child-like nature softens his heart.
Guilietta Masina (Gelsomina) is totes the most adorbs thing ever to hit the silver screen! How dare the Fool call her an artichoke! wtf ... mabbs it's the shape of her face? Which is adorbs. Anyway, I do like this film. Even tho she's pretty useless, just following around Zampano like a lost puppy when he's so mean to her. And she finds comfort in comparing herself to a pebble in regards to her usefulness? I wish she would have been a little more outgoing, but it wouldn't be very true to her child-like personality which compliments Zampano's nicely. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but it's a good film.
Yes, this movie deserves to be on the list. The first Fellini on the list and certainly not the last.
Ziggi seal of approval!

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