Anybody wanna waste some time?
So basically: A junkie and his junkie girlfriend try and make something of themselves, but fail. Also, the junkie's mother gets a phone call telling her she will be on T.V. and she tries to fit into a beautiful red dress, even going on diet pills that happen to be speed.
This is the only movie on the list I was srsly considering turning off. Like, my finger was right on the stop button. There are others that I wanted to turn off, but I watched them anyway. Yeah, I didn't turn this one off either, but I really wanted to. I hated this film the first time and this time there was a glimmer of hope that maybe I just had a bad experience - many of my friends love this movie, so the glimmer came from that (many of my friends also like Donnie Darko ... I need cooler friends). Nope. Within 5 minutes I remembered how bad this movie is. The script is boring, the actors are all average (homg, nekkid Jennifer Connelly!), and the story isn't very original. That really is a risk with any story about junkies, though, I find. They whine, they have dreams, they don't achieve these incredible, inspiring dreams - due to their addiction - and they fail even harder. Repeat. If you want a truly amazing junkie movie, watch Trainspotting. I think the reason it's better is because it isn't about junkies trying to make it in the world and achieving some far-fetched dreams.
Fuck Darren Aronofsky and this crappy movie. It doesn't deserve to be on the list, least of all this high on it.
Ziggi seal of disapproval!

OK so I haven't seen this movie, and am not going to. Mostly because I'm not into junkie movies, but also because I don't see the point in watching a movie about someone failing. It's just so depressing. Failing happens all the time in real life, and I don't need to see it in movies too. :P I like movies that entertain, or uplift, or inspire... Not end in failure. Having moments of failure during a movie is good, and kind of necessary... but to end in failure? How depressing!
ReplyDeleteJust my two cents. :)
Yeah, I totally agree. I am so not a fan of Aronofsy and his depressing movies.
ReplyDeleteI watched this movie cause my boyfriend recommended it. And I didn't HATE it but I also didn't like it, and generally my desire for a movie is that when I walk away I want to feel better when it started instead of feeling worse. And this is definitely not one of those. But that's also society, we've fazed out tragedy cause it makes us uncomfortable, Pretty Woman was supposed to end with him going back to being a business man and her going back to being a prostitute but nobody WANTS THAT.
ReplyDeleteBut here in lies the rub, that's reality. Prostitutes rarely find love and escape their unfortunate circumstances, Junkies rarely make it where they want to be...And that's just the sad sorry truth. Ew it's icky. Ew she ends up being an anal sex act. Ew he looses an arm. Ew his mother ends up in an asylum. Ew this makes me uncomfortable with it's truthy depressingness.
And it really does, but it's fucking important as hell. I don't like it, but they should probably show it in schools, because unlike refer madness, this shit happens. Maybe it's an extreme case, and yes not everyone offered drugs is an idiot who will jump on the chance. And yes this is worst case scenario propaganda, but if it scares one kid out of picking up drugs, it's a damn good thing.
Does it deserve to be on the list? No.
Do I want to watch it again? Fuck no.
Does it serve a purpose? Yes
ReplyDeleteI didn't say it was a good movie I in fact said it was not and made me feel frickin gross which is not a quality I like in movies.
ReplyDeleteWhat I said was it should be an instrument to scar the fragile impressionable minds of youth so they don't fuck up their lives as grievously as they may otherwise. Also scarring impressionable minds is an enjoyable pass time. Unlike watching this movie.
What a piece of crap this article is... This movie is one of the best movie ever made. This is a masterpiece. You guyz should really take your heads off your as* and see the real world. This movie is entertaining, emotionally moving and all in all portrays reality as it is.... Bravo for director and fu*k you for you.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above comment. This is an absolute beautiful piece of cinema, everything about the movie is completely amazing.
ReplyDeleteDarron Aronofsky did an absolutely wonderful job on the movie, as well as some of his others (not counting black swan and the wrestler)
I've agreed with most of your reviews up to this point, I have completely lost all respect for your "reviewing skills"
This movie was depressing. And I did debate turning it off because it was so disturbing. But there is no denying that it was well done. The cinematography was amazing, the acting superb. So what if it was depressing. It was a dark movie that was meant to move the viewer. If you know someone who has an addiction problem, it really strikes a cord.
ReplyDeleteThis movie was depressing. And I did debate turning it off because it was so disturbing. But there is no denying that it was well done. The cinematography was amazing, the acting superb. So what if it was depressing. It was a dark movie that was meant to move the viewer. If you know someone who has an addiction problem, it really strikes a cord.
ReplyDeleteThe movie is made for the purpose to hit people hard, and make you feel sick with the effects of doping, and it has achieved its aim, its an absolute MASTERPIECE!
ReplyDeleteI love dark, twisted, depressing, "fucked up" movies. I just saw this movie today and let me tell you that it's a complete waste of time. The only people that can be "shock" with this movie, is people completely ignorant and blind about what humans are and what kind of world we live in. If this movie could "wake up" some of those people, then fine, at least I give it credit for that.
ReplyDeletenot every film is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator ... trainspotting is a good film, don't get me wrong, but this is considerably more tense and honest with just a fraction of the budget ... but i guess that's the difference between art and entertainment ...
ReplyDeletehmm and now after looking at your profile i realise you're pretty young ... tell you what, live some of your life for a few years. come back to this film when you've faced some real challenges, lost your will, self-esteem, or encountered hopeless addiction.
trainspotting is an entertainment piece. it is structured and paced to entertain. it is amusing and sad and happy and covers a range of emotions and leaves the viewer feeling entertained.
this is an art piece. it goes beneath the surface and thrives as an expression of human emotion and fear/paranoia/loss/addiction.
both are good films, but your comparison is weak. junkies are just the vehicle ... the journey and destination are completely different ...
What a crappy review, the script, acting, and story were all great and original. You probably just thought it was bad because it was depressing and hard to watch. This is an awesome piece of filmmaking, I guess anything that isn’t necessarily enjoyable to watch or is super depressing is terrible to you.